Cruise 2017 Adventure

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November 12th, 2019
Veterans Day brings the cannon out.
November 12th, 2019
Governors Palace
A long days motoring saw us drop the anchor in Sarahs Creek just as the sun bowed out for the day. Sarahs creek was chosen for it seemed the best placed anchorage from which to explore historic Williamsburg. It's a lovely safe anchorage and good old Uber dropped us off in a bustling town seemingly full of market stalls. By chance we had arrived on Veterans day.

Brunch and a walk around the stalls preceded one of our best historical experiences. The old city has been preserved from the palace down to the most humble of abodes. A full time staff provide an interesting living history experience. There is a working joiner, wig maker, candle maker, forge, garden and much more. Horse and cart trundle past and many of the buildings have guided tours.

The Governors Palace of Virginia embodies the power and wealth of the largest state in America. It all started with a recce by Sir Walter Raleigh whose report of abundance launched the Virginia Company.

Those who were sent out to tame this land found it a tough challenge on many fronts but persistence won out to eventually create this great nation of today.
November 7th, 2019
One of the features that really appealed to us was the number and size of the windows making it a lovely space. We are now back on board and I have put extra chain out and cleared the decks for tonights blow which will keep us here tomorrow. We are expecting gusts of 39knts so whilst its not too bad it does require squaring things away.

Being stuck here means we have set tomorrow aside for an engine service, some writing and Tracey has a list of things she wants to do. We don't like to plan too far ahead so as to allow for spontaneity. As such we have just decided to head for Cape Charles and then across to Sarah Creek so that we can visit Williamsburg which, after today, sounds like its worth a day or possibly two.
November 7th, 2019
The house was very grand, some of it thanks to tricks from the sea. That's not a tiled floor its painted sea canvas.
November 7th, 2019
This was the highlight of the day for we love old houses and Ker Place is a beauty. Run by volunteers of which we were so lucky to get Pat who gave us a personal two-hour tour during which she never stopped talking. If I had half her memory I would be delighted for she had endless and wide-ranging names dates and locations off pat - pardon the pun. US history is so interesting and yet I know so little about it. I think I will start reading up on it.
November 7th, 2019
Not sure what they are but these are really cool in the flesh. Todays tune was...Its raining Martian Brains.

Tracey has just been on Google and they are Osage Oranges otherwise know in Pennsylvania as Monkey Balls.

They are inedible to humans and livestock but squirrels, because they are nuts, love them.

The national champion Osage Orange tree is a 350-400 year old beauty thats 54ft high with a 90ft crown.
November 7th, 2019
We have had a lovely tourist day today although it did start with a crawl under the floorboards measuring up for an inspection plate. We have a small split in the top of one of our slurry tanks. It emanates from a fitting and I needed to order a new plate to cover the required cut out. Not a big job really but like every job I needed to buy some tools. That, after all, is why we do jobs isn't it.
November 6th, 2019
Onancock then gifted another stunning sunset which called for the drone. Tomorrow is our tourist day and we are looking forward to exploring a Southern Mansion.
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