Cruise 2017 Adventure

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March 10th, 2019
Moosha Cay
We have been having a lot of fun and I just didn't realize how long it has been since I updated the blog. Indeed, it took someone else to remind me so here we are anchored off the stunning Moosha Cay. Its been blowing twenty knots or so from the East for a couple of days so we have been making the most of the many sheltered anchorages that the Bahamas have to offer. Moosha is owned by David Copperfield and is a very exclusive resort costing $39,000 a day for twelve people. We, to a degree, have it for free and have the added benefit of being able to DISAPPEAR to the next stunning cay and the next and the next. My last blog was 280 nautical or 322 statute miles north of here in the Abacos. The reason for the push south is that Alex, our eldest son, is flying into Georgetown to explore the Exumas and celebrate his 30th birthday. This will be the first time that he has seen the good ship Pearl of Penzance. Needless to say, we are very excited to see him.
February 20th, 2019
We met this little fella on a walk yesterday and were charmed by his cheeky fearlessness. You wouldn't believe how fast he can run - perhaps thats where the confidence came from. Jonny Wilkinson would have been proud of his high speed ducking and diving
February 20th, 2019
Lovely day
Tracey on the foredeck as we have a lovely sail through the Abacos
February 20th, 2019
Powell Cay
Can you believe this picture - Tracey in the water and getting to know stingray. She even gave them a back-scratch to find they are lovely and soft, a bit like velvet. I didn't get a good enough picture but there were also Lemon and Bull shark coming within feet of us. Never thought I would see the day.
February 20th, 2019
I have started to paddle-board and am really enjoying it for its a good workout and as you are standing up you see so much more underwater which is normally missed due to reflection when sitting in the dinghy. It is also comparatively stealthy so yesterdays paddle had me up close and personal with turtle, stingray, shark, triggerfish and birdlife.
February 20th, 2019
Brian Tobin
This is Tracey with our dear friend Brian Tobin off the good ship Big Bear. He is an amazing character and does all his sailing single handed. He is a live aboard and spent last summer cruising Newfoundland and is a mine of useful information. His mantra for life, which I just love is; I refuse to tiptoe through life just to arrive safely at death
February 20th, 2019
Just thought you might like to see the kind of car park we now use when shopping. Its a very social place where we meet many interesting people and learn all sorts of local knowledge from those that have just explored where we are heading. We have discovered some lovely remote anchorages like this. Its also a much softer environment where dinghies joggle and bump their way into a spot. No road rage here.
February 20th, 2019
Lovely sail plan
We were sailing the other day and came across Remedios which is the yacht that we helped get off the sand bank at Little Harbour Cay. It was nice to have a chat over the VHF away from the madness of their grounding. They kindly followed up with an email and a picture of us sailing. Its always nice to see your boat from the outside. This picture shows what a lovely balanced and safe sail plan we have when under two reefs and the staysail - just love this boat.
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