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Cruise 2017 Adventure
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October 10th, 2020

Hi All, I feel rather remiss for I didn't realise until a nudge from Keith Longson that my last blog is very out of date. Its partly because I do a lot of writing for sailing magazines and having updated through that medium had, in the back of my mind, spread the news.
So where are we after an amazing spring and summer in our lovely bit of Cornish woodland which has been a godsend during all the Covid madness. We arrived as the leaves started unfurling for the best spring on record and have loved being in one place for what is now six months. The birds have fledged, we have made jam and chutney out of the summer harvest and are now stocking up the log pile to get through the winter.
Our plans to sail home were abruptly cancelled when Pearl sold in only six hours of being put on the European market. With Covid slowing things down it took a couple of months to process the sale but I'm pleased to report that she is now in the hands of new owners with dreams of their own.
It was a bit of a shock when she sold as she did and of course it stirred up a lot of emotions from excitement to sadness but thankfully not regret. Our time with Pearl was one of the most life affirming things we have done and it has instilled a lasting love of cruising.
The next boat is never far from our minds and it looks to be about thirty foot and made of marine Ply/Epoxy with a centre board. We've decided to call it 'Oddity' for I don't think it will conform to the present norms. The idea is to have something utilitarian that can explore the coast and rivers of Europe. We want to be able to get to the upper reaches that have abundant wildlife but are inaccessible to most boats. I fancy a recycled theme, there must be all sorts of rudders, winches, mast's etc lurking about in the boat yards of the UK that we could offer a productive home.
So where are we after an amazing spring and summer in our lovely bit of Cornish woodland which has been a godsend during all the Covid madness. We arrived as the leaves started unfurling for the best spring on record and have loved being in one place for what is now six months. The birds have fledged, we have made jam and chutney out of the summer harvest and are now stocking up the log pile to get through the winter.
Our plans to sail home were abruptly cancelled when Pearl sold in only six hours of being put on the European market. With Covid slowing things down it took a couple of months to process the sale but I'm pleased to report that she is now in the hands of new owners with dreams of their own.
It was a bit of a shock when she sold as she did and of course it stirred up a lot of emotions from excitement to sadness but thankfully not regret. Our time with Pearl was one of the most life affirming things we have done and it has instilled a lasting love of cruising.
The next boat is never far from our minds and it looks to be about thirty foot and made of marine Ply/Epoxy with a centre board. We've decided to call it 'Oddity' for I don't think it will conform to the present norms. The idea is to have something utilitarian that can explore the coast and rivers of Europe. We want to be able to get to the upper reaches that have abundant wildlife but are inaccessible to most boats. I fancy a recycled theme, there must be all sorts of rudders, winches, mast's etc lurking about in the boat yards of the UK that we could offer a productive home.
June 4th, 2020

With partial lifting of restrictions, I was able to go foraging off the beach and caught this beauty in the form of a 2kg spider crab. The flesh is tastier than a lobster and I look forward to going back in for more although I shall wait for my new wetsuit. Its a bit colder than the Bahamas!!!
May 18th, 2020

This year the Bahamas, prior to Corona, was a time of reflection out of which we have decided to sell our lovely Pearl of Penzance. As with all these things there were many factors but the driver is changing family circumstances.
The Pacific is now one step too far and if we are unable to explore that far then we dont need an expedition boat like Pearl. We have had the most amazing two and a half years and will never stop cruising. It just has to adapt and so we will downsize and explore Europe on a seasonal basis.
As such we plan on returning to Europe via Nova Scotia and the Azores for the end of the year. In the meantime, we will happily accept an offer if it comes along.
Please spread the news and if anyone is interested in this wonderful boat which is in excellent condition and kitted out to sail anywhere in the world please send me an email - pete@petegoss.com
The Pacific is now one step too far and if we are unable to explore that far then we dont need an expedition boat like Pearl. We have had the most amazing two and a half years and will never stop cruising. It just has to adapt and so we will downsize and explore Europe on a seasonal basis.
As such we plan on returning to Europe via Nova Scotia and the Azores for the end of the year. In the meantime, we will happily accept an offer if it comes along.
Please spread the news and if anyone is interested in this wonderful boat which is in excellent condition and kitted out to sail anywhere in the world please send me an email - pete@petegoss.com
May 18th, 2020
VE Day

We always put up our huge Union Jack on VE day (zoom in for perspective) and this year was all the more poignant for it was the 75th year. We celebrated with a huge fire, BBQ and toast to those that sacrificed so much for all of us. What an amazing generation they were.
May 18th, 2020

All our bird boxes have been taken and fledging has already begun - this little fella needed a bit of help and I am pleased to report that it all turned out well for him. This year has brought more woodpecker than I have ever seen and they are hammering away at the bird boxes to feed on the babies. So far the boxes have held up but some are looking very battle weary. Next year we will have to put chicken wire around the boxes for protection.
May 18th, 2020
Fred Flintstone

One of the symptoms of Corona is that the supply chain for spares has been effected. One of the cutting deck wheels on my mower gave up the ghost and with the grass growing like mad I needed a solution. Thoughts of good old Fred Flintstone inspired this oak wheel which looks like it will last forever.
May 18th, 2020
Blue Bells

Its amazing to think that we have been back in Cornwall for seven weeks for it seems to have passed in the blink of an eye. This is partly due to the fact that we have been working away at a job list that has been neglected due to being away sailing. Everything from clearing tree's overhanging the lane to replacing the guttering on the barn has been signed off.
There's still lots more to do so there is no chance of time dragging. One of the jobs has been to strim the paths in the woods and as you can see the blue bells are drifting along nicely. We planted 500 English Blue Bells all over the woods in random groups of five bulbs and its this year that they seem to have come into their own. The hope is that they continue to drift into large areas for we love them.
There's still lots more to do so there is no chance of time dragging. One of the jobs has been to strim the paths in the woods and as you can see the blue bells are drifting along nicely. We planted 500 English Blue Bells all over the woods in random groups of five bulbs and its this year that they seem to have come into their own. The hope is that they continue to drift into large areas for we love them.
April 3rd, 2020