The Oddity Blog

10th February 2022


I have had tank problems in the past and so it was only going to be the best for Oddity. Lots of research bought me to and I have to say they are amazing. Great service and the bespoke tanks are wonderful.

10th February 2022


 We needed a simple solution to dropping the mast on our own and Chris came up with a pullpit that sweeps down to a deck hinge just in front of the tabernackle. This means that we can use it as a quick and easy 'A' frame to lower the mast. I'm really looking forward top testing it in the near future.

9th February 2022


 Testy testy - this is our cabin light being tested. Might not look much but after wriggling the wiring through from the switch panel it is so rewarding when it works. Thats Colin by the switch panel doing his magic. have to say I've really enjoyed being his apprentice for I've learned a lot and know every connection and wiring run which will help with future maintenance. 

8th February 2022

We have a table

7th February 2022


 This is Kaye from Abet Laminate and her husband Alan on a visit as the internal structure takes shape. The next time they see Oddity she will be in all her glory and I cant wait to show them what we've done below. 

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