Welcome to the website of Pete Goss

Pete Goss MBE is a sailor and adventurer turned entrepreneur and author of the bestselling book "Close to the Wind".

He now splits his time between his ongoing adventures and delivering inspirational and motivational talks to organisations around the world, as well as lecturing at business schools including Oxford University.


Latest Adventure

Blessed with restless spirits Tracey and I find solace in the life of a maritime gypsy. A life of natural beauty, the challenges and joys of exploration, complete independence and the wonderful people we meet. We have designed and are building a one-off boat who’s brief is to explore the coast, upper reaches, rivers and canals of Europe.

She is ocean going for we want to explore the Azores and cross the arctic circle. Oddity is her name for she has a bit of all my past boats in her, a mongrel if you like. We look at a map of Europe including rivers and canals and its thrilling for that’s what Oddity gifts us. This is our last boat and we see at least twenty years of fun in her so if you’re interested join us for the ride through this blog and don’t be afraid to knock on the hull to say hello if you see us.

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The Oddity blog page


Goss Talks

In today’s challenging business environment, Pete understands the need to deliver real performance; he achieves this through mentoring and empowering individuals, motivating teams and driving companies forward…

Pete is a regular lecturer at business schools, particularly the Said Business School of Oxford University, where he has the privilege of being an Associate Fellow, and The London Business School.

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Journey to Date
  • Three Peaks Race 1984
  • Kayak Adventures 2012
  • The Route du Rhum 2010
  • Spirit of Mystery 2008-9
  • North Pole 2006-9
  • Fastnet 2007
  • RB&I 2006
  • SeaCart 30
  • Playing for Success
  • Team Philips 2000
  • Vendee Globe 1996/7
  • British Steel Challenge 1992
  • Cornish Meadow 1988
  • Three Peaks Race 1984
  • Kayak Adventures 2012